Bearberry Extract 50 ml SoriaNatural
Gayuba, Bearberry Extract 50 ml
Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Spreng) has multiple properties, improving urinary tract infections.
The range Extracts of Soria Natural is formulated combining the tradition of phytotherapy and the latest scientific advances:
- With cyclodextrins.
- Vegetable glycerin.
- Better absorption.
- Greater bioavailability.
- Greater stability and protection.
- Combination of multiple active ingredients.
- Reduced irritation when ingested.
- Alcohol-free.
Ingredients per 3 ml:
Humectant: glycerin, water, lyophilized extract of bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Spreng, leaves) (360 mg), gammacyclodextrins (120 mg) and alpha-cyclodextrins (60 mg).
Active Compounds per 3 ml:
Arbutins 36 mg
Adults: Take 1 ml diluted in water, 3 times daily.
Shake before use.
Dosing: Squeeze the rubber teat and wait for a few seconds.
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
Keep out of the reach of small children.
Do not use as a substitute for a varied and well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Do not exceed the expressly recommended dose.
This product has not yet been reviewed.