Cowden Plus Support Program 6

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Price: 279,00 27900
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New & improved Cowden Support Program - Month 6

Cowden Plus Support Program - Month 6

Month six uses the same products and has the same target as month three, but at a heightened dose designed to maximize microbial support.ᶧ

Bromelain, Serrapeptase, and Takuna support a healthy inflammatory response. Bromelain and Serrapeptase, which are both proteolytic enzymes, help with biofilm support. ᶧ Burbur-Pinella and Dandelion support detoxification and can help ease Herxheimer-like reactions.ᶧ Magnesium Malate, a highly bioavailable form of magnesium, helps ease muscle aches and pains and supports energy production, while also reducing occasional fatigue.ᶧ

Track and review your health challenge ratings in the Cowden+ Support Program Instructions and Dosing Schedule. Compare your ratings from the beginning of your journey to now—notice the improvements and how far you have come! Months four through six can be repeated for continued support, if needed.ᶧ

The Cowden Plus package includes the following products:

Bromelain (1) 
Burbur-Pinella 60 ml – Detox (1) 
Dandelion 60 ml - Detox (1) 
Glucomedix 120 ml - Glucose / Metabolic Support (1)
Magnesium Malate (1)
Nutra-BBS+ 120 ml – Microbial Support (2) 
Serrapeptase (1) 

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