  • Aurinkovoima - Wild Green Power, 50 g

Aurinkovoima - Wild Green Power, 50 g

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Price: 10,50 1050
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Aurinkovoima - Wild Green Power, 50 g

For energy and nourishment
A nutrient rich, whole food supplement packed with powerful antioxidants that cleanse, balance and energise both body and mind.
For every day use, on food or in smoothies.  

Instructions for use:
Daily recommended intake 1-4 tsp.

Urtica dioica (nettle leaf), Medicago sativa (alfalfa), Daucus carota (carrot leaf), Origanum vulgare (oregano), Petroselinum crispum (parsley), Achillea millefolium (yarrow leaf), Levisticum officinale (lovage), Taraxacum officinalis (dandelion leaf), Stellaria media (chickweed)*.


Country of origin: Finland

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